Why choose Spectrum? Our choral program is unique when compared to other youth vocal and instrumental programs around the country. Here are a few reasons why:
- Only ONE rehearsal day per week and ALL singers attend rehearsal on the same day. This makes it convenient for families with multiple singers, builds community and provides mentorship between our oldest and youngest singers. It also keeps your evenings free during the week.
- We keep tuition as low as possible and it includes everything - rehearsals, overnight festivals, summer camp, music purchase (yes - you keep your music!) and two t-shirts. This is unusual...with other choral programs you would pay separately for each of these items throughout the year, music would only be rental and your basic tuition would still be comparable to ours.
- The complete season's schedule is provided prior to registration. Only singers who can make the full commitment will be able to join. This will provide more consistency throughout the year - and help families with scheduling by knowing performance dates far in advance to make it a priority.
- Each of our four major performances takes place in an incredible concert venue. Singing in a variety of quality acoustics is a great educational experience in itself. We have already secured some of the finest regional venues.
- We have an unique, intigrated "Hands-On" music theory program that teaches through interactive and imitative musical activities. We get young singers reading and comprehending their printed music scores. Advanced students focus on sight-singing, ear training, challenging rhythms and even composition, if they choose.
- All singers will be auditioned (don't worry - it is a very fun and friendly audition). This will ensure the level of musicianship remains high. We want to provide the ideal, encouraging environment to support serious vocal students.
- We are completely community-based and have no religious affiliation. We sing quality choral music in a wide variety of styles and languages including ethnic, folk, sacred, secular, classical, Broadway and popular.
- Spectrum rehearsals and concerts are conveniently scheduled on weekends to allow singers to participate from around the South Puget Sound Region. Our singers have come from the areas of: Gig Harbor, Tacoma, Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Poulsbo, Seabeck, Key Peninsula, Kitsap County, Pierce County, King County and Mason County.